Run Further with RaceMOB

Hi All!

I recently had the opportunity to lead a discussion to help a group of runners to run further. I met with the group once a week in August on an online community space called, RaceMob. Every week we discussed different topics and different strategies to run further.

At first, I was a bit hesitant to lead the group due to the fact that the only running I have done lately is chasing my 2 year old nephew, Ronin. Something you may not know about me, is that I have trained and participated in many races, everything from 5ks to marathons and even 200+ mile relay races. Though I have not seriously trained for a long distant race in 3 years, the work and experience I have gained from training clients has given me new perspective on coaching, and programming for runners. The young version of myself would just go out and run with no direction, program or progression in mind. That ultimately lead me getting sciatica and other compensations and imbalances I created from a poor running training program. That is a path I definitely do not want to lead anybody on.

After sitting down and thinking about how to run further, I came to the conclusion that if you want to run further, you need to be able to keep running and stay injury free. Over the 4 weeks, these are the topics we discussed:

  • proper progression by using the 10% rule

  • the importance of strength training to ensure you are strong enough to run further

  • the importance of pace, speed and efficiency, so you can spend less time on your feet to run further

  • and knowing when to push yourself/knowing when to listen to your body

In addition to the the discussions, there were incredible athletes that participated in the group discussions and their stories that brought them to the group are amazing. Let’s just say that these athletes don’t make any excuses and they are very inspiring.

Here are links to the 4 discussions I lead in August.

  1. 10% Rule - Minimal Effective Dose

  2. Importance of Strength Training

  3. Importance of Pace/Speed/Efficiency

  4. Mind Over Matter or Listen to your Body

I would like to thank my big bro, “B”, and his partner Kevin, for giving me the opportunity to share my knowledge and help the RaceMob community to run further. If you are an experienced runner or even a new runner, I suggest you check out RaceMob and join their community. I would also like to thank the weekly participants who joined the discussion. As I mentioned, their stories were very inspiring and even motivated me to start running again. Since August 19th, I have recorded eleven 5ks and I am starting to like running again. I forgot how much running is meditation and very rewarding!

Happy running,

Pat Der

If you are interested to start running, or if your wanting to run further, or you need help to get stronger to stay injury free/improve running performance, I can help you get there. Plan an initial evaluation with me and let me help you move better to achieve your running goals!


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