Move with PD is a collective experience of work and passion to help people and improve their health.

Personal training should be just that, personal.

That’s what I do, I train the person.


Our bodies, brains, and experiences are all different. Everyone should be trained based on those differences. Each exercise program is designed to consider everything about you and your goals. I do not believe in a “one size fits all program," I consider your health, injury history, and lifestyle to build a program for the way you move.



Principles I follow to help you move better:


Make it simple

  • Movement is best learned when it is broken down and simplified. The quality of a complex multi-joint movements comes from the quality of the smaller single joint movements.

Everyone learns differently

  • Using creative imagery, coaching cues and stimulating different sensory systems is the key to success. The brains main priority is to keep you safe. It decides what is safe or what is a threat. The brain is consistently receiving information (input), analyzing information and then tells your body what to do with the information (output). Using different inputs to keep the brain feeling safe, will take the breaks of your brain to allow for better performance.

More doesn’t always mean better and too few may not be enough

  • Personal trainers are like doctors for exercise. We give you a program with sets and reps just like how a doctor gives you prescription and dosages. Prescription and dosage is different for everyone. The brain needs a certain amount of stimulus to make an impact, but too much stimulus can be detrimental.

Intentional Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

  • Going through the motions is not going to get you where you want to be. Paying attention to every detail and doing quality reps will get you there safely and efficiently.


  • Is the consistent factor to success

Have Fun!

  • #1 rule in life